I can't believe that life's so complex
When I just want to sit here and watch you undress
I can't believe that life's so complex
When I just want to sit here and watch you undress
This is love, this is love
That I'm feeling
This is love, this is love
That I'm feeling
This is love
That I'm feeling
Does it have to be a life full of dread
I wanna chase you round the table, I wanna touch your head
Does it have to be a life full of dread
I wanna chase you round the table, I wanna touch your head
This is love, this is love
That I'm feeling
This is love, this is love
That I'm feeling
This is love
That I'm feeling
I can't believe that the axis turns on suffering
When you taste so good
I can't believe that the axis turns on suffering
When my head burns
Love, love, love
That I'm feeling
This is love, this is love
That I'm feeling
This is love, love, love
That I'm feeling
Even in the summer
Even in the spring
You can never get too much of
A wonderful thing
You're the only story that I never told
You're my dirty little secret, wanna keep you so
You're the only story that never been told
You're my dirty little secret, wanna keep you so
Come on out, come on over, help me forget
Keep the walls from falling as they're tumbling in
Come on out, come on over, help me forget
Keep the walls from falling on me, tumbling in
Keep the walls from falling as they're tumbling in
This is love, this is love
That I'm feeling
This is love, this is love
That I'm feeling
This is love, this is love
That I'm feeling
This is love, love, love
That I'm feeling
Eis que o passado se intromete no meu presente.
Uma chuva de dúvidas atravessa o meu coração que de tão confuso explode numa maré de perguntas embaciadas e difusas. Não sei o que pensar desta onda negra mas ao mesmo tempo tão agradável...
Em tempos de tão vasta harmonia uma alma tocou-me e eu senti-me saciada de todas as perguntas que eu lhe tinha para fazer. Aqueles beijos quentes, suaves, molhados e incrivelmente cheios de carinho e intimidade... Aqueles abraços reconfortantes que há muito tempo nao recebia... O teu toque intimidante que me faz querer mais e mais... Não quero que acabe mas ao mesmo tempo não sei se será bom continuar. Mas eu quero continuar!
Lembro-me do meu coração que, em tempos, esteve apaixonado por ti... Agora não sei. Agora sinto-me apaixonada pela vida e por uma pedrinha muito especial... Esta noite revelou-se, assim, uma noite que de elucidativa nada teve. Apenas veio espalhar a confusão que à muito andava adormecida em mim...
Freedom poem
by Ron Carnell
i was fifteen when Grandfather died,
his twisted body vanquished by too many years,
his mind confused by too many diluted memories,
his spirit still as strong and indomitable
as the day he first killed another manto
protect the life he loved
.It was hard for me to see the war hero
he had been within the wasted remnants
of a wispy old man,
his flesh sunken between fragile bones,
his smooth, soft skin bleached paler
than the sheets that wrapped him
like a premature burial shroud.
It was hard to see the war hero
he had beenuntil Grandfather opened
his rheumy eyes,
the blue as pale as a winter sky,
as hard and cold as tempered steel.
When he opened his eyes and looked
into your soul,
only then could you see it.
Then you would know.
Those eyes were a pool of profound
with unwept tears of pain and death
just below their placid, unbroken surface,
like ocean debris trapped within swift
currentsand forever forbidden to emerge,
forbidden to pollute the sea that was his life.
But, still, the soiled debris was a part of him.
Grandfather survived the German occupation
of his land,
fought life and death struggles in an
that would not,
could not accept the domination of others
.And when it was over,
when he had outlived the death,
he had moved to a new land,
a land of new-found friends.
In America, Grandfather built a new life,
while never forgetting the lessons of the old.
His melodious French was replaced with
broken English,
the rifles with shovels,
the knives with hammers.
But nothing ever supplanted his implacable
nothing ever usurped his enduring strength.
Grandfather was a warrior,
but he was also a teacher.I listened to his words,
saw his examples,
learned from the stories and histories he shared.
He showed me that courage and strength
aren't independent qualities,
but rather are the inevitable results of
abiding love
."What you truly love," he would say,
"can never be surrendered."
And Grandfather, more than most, loved Freedom
.I have since learned there are many who say it,
but few who really feel it.
And fewer still who understand it
.Grandfather once told me he never fought for Freedom.
He said, instead,
he fought against domination
.We were sitting in the old wooden swing,
its paint as wrinkled and weatheredas the
skin of my grandfather's aged face,
the sound of the river flowing through his
yarda backdrop for a classroomwith neither
desks nor chalk boards.
"A man can never take away your Freedom,"
he told me."They can only take power and
make you pay a higher price
when you choose to exercise it.
Hitler wanted to make that price a man's death.
There is always a price to be paid for Freedom,
but when the price becomes too high,
a man must fight.
"I remember he paused then,
his irregular breath like a clipped whistle
as it wheezed past swollen nostrils.
I was used to his long lulls,
a habit so many found irritating.
Grandfather was giving me time,
I knew,to ponder, to absorb, to believe.
And I knew, too, in knowing him,
there would be more.
When he finally continued,
Grandfather's voice was almost a whisper.
"It works both ways,"
he said, leaning closer,
his minty breath an envelope around my face
."A man can never take away your freedom,and
a man never grant it either.
"Grandfather's voice had many tones within it,
and I had learned them all through the years.
"The laws of this country are good ones, mostly,
"he said in a reverent tone, an awed tonethat
spoke of important lessons
to be learned.
"But you must always remember that its Constitution,
and all the laws Congress has passed since then,
don't give you one bit more Freedom
than you already have.
Laws are made by men.
Laws change.
Your Freedom is part of you.
It's forever.
"I remember nodding my understanding,
and I remember Grandfather's hand falling to
my shoulder.
He squeezed briefly, and I can only assume he
was pleased
.It would be another two years
before he would lay in a death bed of virgin white,
and another two decades before
I would really understand his words.
The Freedoms written within our laws are always
conditional.Freedom of the Press is amended by
libel statutes,
and Search and Seizure laws are cast aside for
Probable Cause.
All the laws, all the guarantees,exist only at
the whim of the courts and Due Process.
Grandfather understood.
Any government based on unconditional Freedomwould
necessarily be a government of unconditional anarchy
.Our laws don't grant people Freedom.
Our laws only set the price that must be paidwhen a
citizen chooses to exercise our Freedom.
But the Freedom comes from within.
Grandfather was not a religious man,
but he was a Godly man.
And I think he knew.
Our Creator gave us not only our existence,
but he granted us Free Will,
that we might choose between good and evil.
And that power of choice is what Freedom is really all about.
There will always be a price to pay for Freedom.
The price is set by the hand of man,
by the laws we make.
When we are wise and good,
the price is one we can bear.
And when we are neither wise nor good,
there will always be men like Grandfather,
with the courage and strength to fight for what they love.
A Love Poem By Oscar WILDE
A Love Poem by Oscar Wilde
We Are Made One with What We Touch and Seeby Oscar Wilde
We are resolved into the supreme air,
We are made one with what we touch and see,
With our heart's blood each crimson sun is fair,
With our young lives each spring-impassioned tree
Flames into green,
the wildest beasts that range
The moor our kinsmen are,
all life is one, and all is change.
With beat of systole and of diastole
One grand great life throbs through earth's giant heart,
And mighty waves of single
Being roll
From nerve-less germ to man,
for we are part
Of every rock and bird and beast and hill,
One with the things that prey on us,
and one with what we kill. . . .
One sacrament are consecrate,
the earth
Not we alone hath passions hymeneal,
The yellow buttercups that shake for mirth
At daybreak know a pleasure not less real
Than we do, when in some fresh-blossoming wood
We draw the spring into our hearts,
and feel that life is good. . . .
Is the light vanished from our golden sun,
Or is this daedal-fashioned earth less fair,
That we are nature's heritors,
and one
With every pulse of life that beats the air?
Rather new suns across the sky shall pass,
New splendour come unto the flower,
new glory to the grass.
And we two lovers shall not sit afar,
Critics of nature, but the joyous sea
Shall be our raiment, and the bearded star
Shoot arrows at our pleasure!
We shall bePart of the mighty universal whole,
And through all Aeons mix and mingle with the Kosmic Soul!
We shall be notes in that great Symphony
Whose cadence circles through the rhythmic spheres,
And all the live World's throbbing heart shall be
One with our heart,
the stealthy creeping years
Have lost their terrors now, we shall not die,
The Universe itself shall be our Immortality!
An den Mistral.
Ein Tanzlied.
Mistral-Wind, du Wolken-Jäger,
wie lieb' ich dich!
Sind wir Zwei nicht Eines Schoosses Erstlingsgabe,
Eines Looses Vorbestimmte ewiglich?
Hier auf glatten Felsenwegen Lauf' ich tanzend dir entgegen,
Tanzend, wie du pfeifst und singst:
Der du ohne Schiff und Ruder Als der Freiheit freister Bruder Ueber wilde Meere springst.
Kaum erwacht,
hört' ich dein Rufen,
Stürmte zu den Felsenstufen,
Hin zur gelben Wand am Meer.
Heil! da kamst du schon gleich hellen Diamantnen Stromesschnellen Sieghaft von den Bergen her.
Auf den ebnen Himmels-Tennen
Sah ich deine Rosse rennen, Sah den Wagen,
der dich trägt,
Sah die Hand dir selber zücken,
Wenn sie auf der Rosse Rücken Blitzesgleich die Geissel schlägt,
- Sah dich aus dem Wagen springen,
Schneller dich hinabzuschwingen,
Sah dich wie zum Pfeil verkürzt Senkrecht in die Tiefe stossen,
- Wie ein Goldstrahl durch die Rosen Erster Morgenröthen stürzt.
Tanze nun auf tausend Rücken,
- Heil, wer neue
Tänze schafft!
Tanzen wir in tausend Weisen,
Frei - sei unsre Kunst geheissen,
Fröhlich - unsre Wissenschaft!
Raffen wir von jeder Blume Eine Blüthe uns zum Ruhme
Und zwei Blätter noch zum Kranz!
Tanzen wir gleich Troubadouren Zwischen Heiligen und Huren,
Zwischen Gott und Welt den Tanz!
Wer nicht tanzen kann mit Winden,
Wer sich wickeln muss mit Binden,
Angebunden, Krüppel-Greis,
Wer da gleicht den Heuchel-Hänsen,
Fort aus unsrem Paradeis!
Wirbeln wir den Staub der Strassen Allen Kranken in die Nasen,
Scheuchen wir die Kranken-Brut!
Lösen wir die ganze Küste Von dem Odem dürrer Brüste,
Von den Augen ohne Muth!
Jagen wir die Himmels-Trüber,
Hellen wir das Himmelreich!
Brausen wir...
oh aller freien Geister Geist,
mit dir zu Zweien Braust mein Glück dem Sturme gleich.
- Und dass ewig das Gedächtniss Solchen Glücks,
nimm sein Vermächtniss,
Nimm den Kranz hier mit hinauf!
Wirf ihn höher, ferner, weiter, Stürm' empor die Himmelsleiter,
Häng ihn - an den Sternen auf!**********************************************************
Parable of the MadmanHave you not heard of that madman who lit a lantern in the bright morninghours,ran to the market place, and cried incessantly:"I seek God! I seek God!"As many of those who did not believe in Godwere standing around just then,he provoked much laughter.Has he got lost? asked one.Did he lose his way like a child? asked another.Or is he hiding?Is he afraid of us? Has he gone on a voyage? emigrated?Thus they yelled and laughed.The madman jumped into their midst and pierced them with his eyes."Whither is God?" he cried; "I will tell you.We have killed him---you and I.All of us are his murderers.But how did we do this?How could we drink up the sea?Who gave us the sponge to wipe away the entire horizon?What were we doing when we unchained this earth from its sun?Whither is it moving now? Whither are we moving?Away from all suns?Are we not plunging continually?Backward, sideward, forward, in all directions?Is there still any up or down?Are we not straying, as through an infinite nothing?Do we not feel the breath of empty space?Has it not become colder? Is not night continually closing in on us?Do we not need to light lanterns in the morning?Do we hear nothing as yet of the noise of the gravediggerswho are burying God?Do we smell nothing as yet of the divine decomposition?Gods, too, decompose.God is dead.God remains dead.And we have killed him."How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers?What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bledto death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us?What water is there for us to clean ourselves?What festivals of atonement, what sacred gamesshall we have to invent?Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us?Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?There has never been a greater deed; and whoever is born after us -For the sake of this deed he will belong to a higher history than allhistory hitherto."Here the madman fell silent and looked again at his listeners;and they, too, were silent and stared at him in astonishment.At last he threw his lantern on the ground,and it broke into pieces and went out."I have come too early," he said then; "my time is not yet.This tremendous event is still on its way, still wandering;it has not yet reached the ears of men.Lightning and thunder require time;the light of the stars requires time;deeds, though done, still require time to be seen and heard.This deed is still more distant from them than most distant stars -and yet they have done it themselves.It has been related further that on the same daythe madman forced his way into several churchesand there struck up his requiem aeternam deo.Led out and called to account, he is said always to have replied nothingbut:"What after all are these churches nowif they are not the tombs and sepulchers of God?"--
Friedrich Nietzsche
Hamlet'ten bir pasaj:
Şu söylediklerimi yaz kafana ...
Düşüncelerinin ağzı, dili olmayacak;
Aşırı hiçbir düşüncenin ardına düşmek yok .
Teklifsiz ol, bayağı olma.
Dostlarının arasında denenmiş olanları
Çelik halkalarla bağla yüreğine.
Ama her zıpçıktı,her çaylak arkadaşı da
El üstüne tutup elini kirletme.
Kavga etmekten sakın , ama ettin mi de
Öylesine et ki korksunlar senden.
Herkese kulağını ver, sesini verme.
Herkese akıl danış, kendi aklını sakla .
Kesenin verdiği kadar giyin,
Zengin ama gösterişsiz olsun giydiğin.
Sakla vücudunun en güzel yerlerini sevdiğine.
Ne borç ver ne de borç al çünkü borç vermek
Çok kez hem paranı yitirmektir hem dostunu
Her şeyden öncede kendi kendinle doğru ol
O zaman gece gündüz gibi
Sen de aldatmaz olursun kimseyi
Dualarım öğretilerim seninle olsun
Maziye döndüm birdenbire
Çocukluk yillarim, okul siralarim ilk aski tattigim o zamanlarim geldi aklima Zaman bir dakika öncesiydi sanki, cosup uçtugum günleri animsadim. Simdi ise hiçbirsey yoktu o günlerden geriye herseyim ama herseyim, tüm beklentilerimi çalip almisti elimden bir daha geri verilmemek üzere.. Yasamakmiydi bu soruyordum kendime gücenmis bir gönülle ve sitemli bakan gözlerimle bakiyorum su dünyaya , bir ben biliyorum.Çünkü neyi bulup, neyi bulup, neyi kaybettigimi.. Hüsran rüzgarlari esiyordu dünyamda, ben bir maziyi yasiyorum yasantimda, bir meçhul sevgiyle birlikte!! Sevgiye susadim, susadim sevgiye dudaklarim çöl kurulugunda, gönlümün hazan mevsimindeyim yapraklarim zamansiz sarardi.. Savrulup düsüyor çiçeklerim topraga, artik düslerim bile yarali Sen olsanda, sen olmasanda Ankara'lim karanlik soguk hep benim dünyam, yarinlarim yitik hayallerim yikik hep benim dünyam..... MAZIYE DÖNDÜM BIRDENBIRE!!!!!!!
Elim boşuna arıyor ellerini biliyorum Ankara'nın soğuk ayaz gecelerinde; Dokunmayacak ellerim yanaklarına, ellerim hiçbir zaman hissetmeyecek seni. Bak, bak şimdi çaresizliğe uzatıyorum ellerimi, sadece çaresizlikle aldattım seni, ihanet ettim yalnızlık duygusuyla sana,haykırdım,haykırdım dönsün diye hep karanlıklara. Ellerime sana inanıp senden başkasını sarmıyor diye, sonsuz bir ayrılığa esir etmezmiyim söyle. Söyle karanlıklara sormazmıyım söyle, söyle birtanem, söyle Ankara'lım, söyle sevdalım söyle..............................................................................
Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll, born in Barranquilla, Colombia on February 2, 1977, known simply as Shakira (meaning "Woman of Grace" in Arabic), is an internationally famous singer and songwriter.
Shakira was born to a Lebanese father and a Colombian mother, and moved to Bogotá at the age of thirteen. She released her first album, Magia (Magic), one year later, on the Sony label. The album was only moderately successful, and Peligro (Danger), her second album, was no better received.
Shakira turned to acting and played a role in a Colombian telenovela ("El Oasis"), but failed as an actress. She then returned to the music business in 1995 with the album Pies Descalzos (Barefeet), which established her commercial success. The hit "Estoy Aquí" became known internationally. The Remixes was created and featured remixes from the songs on Pies Descalzos, with some songs redone in Portuguese.
Following this, Shakira met Emilio Estefan, Jr., who would become the executive producer of her next album. ¿Dónde Están Los Ladrones? (Where are the thieves?) was a huge production which cost over US$3 million. It was a huge hit which gained wide critical acclaim and which many consider to be her best album ever. Most notable singles from the album are "Inevitable" and the worldwide mega-hit, "Ojos Así". The album's successful blend of rock and Latin soundscapes made it an immense success. Shakira also produced Shakira MTV Unplugged, a live album based on ¿Dónde Están Los Ladrones?.
Shakira next turned her sights towards the English-speaking market, improving her English enough to begin writing Laundry Service. With a more rock-edged feel, Laundry Service was aimed at the international English-speaking market, even though it contained some Spanish songs. Some people said that Shakira's English skills were too weak for her to write in English, but Laundry Service was nevertheless a big hit, best known for the infectious single "Whenever, Wherever" (English version of "Suerte"), and for being one of the top albums of 2002. Shakira is well known for intense, athletic live performances involving belly dancing, Arabic rhythms and other sensual movements.
In 2002, Shakira also released the greatest hits volume Grandes éxitos. Shakira: Live & Off the Record, a DVD and a 10-song CD from her 2002-03 world tour (the "Tour of the Mongoose"), was released March 30 2004. "The Tour of the Mongoose" was called so because of the fact that mongoose can defeat a cobra without being killed by its poison. The concerts were interspersed with visuals of a mongoose fighting a cobra.
Shakira is currently finalizing the details of her next project. This body of work will be released in two parts. The first album, Fijación Oral 1 (released in June 2005), followed by Oral Fixation 2, (which will be released in November 2005). She co-writes and co-produces her songs with Luis Fernando Ochoa and Lester Méndez. Vocal co-compilation, as well as direction of background vocal sessions by Rita Quintero.
Shakira is considered by many to be a great talent. As Gabriel García Márquez once wrote of her, "Shakira's music has a personal stamp that doesn't look like anyone else's and no one can sing or dance like her, at whatever age, with such an innocent sensuality, one that seems to be of her own invention."
Since 2000, she has been engaged to Antonio de la Rúa, the son of the former President of Argentina. In light of the humanitarian and social crisis in Argentina, many members of the press lampooned the relationship as frivolous and arrogant. In response, Shakira gave a nonprofit concert in Buenos Aires and further promoted her humanitarian children's foundation "Pies Descalzos" (Bare feet), named after her third album. This was decried by many as a simple celebrity public relations move.